Thank you for sharing this, as I know it’s not easy. I’ve felt the exact same way throughout my life. tWitch was such a bright light in a dark world. But it’s always that one friend who makes everyone else laugh because they know the pain personally. I know God turned your life around as you are an important voice for many. Everyone has a purpose and it’s a good reminder. Looks as though you’ve found yours ❤️.

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I’ve gone back and forth with what I think about suicide and the person who dies that way. I have come to the conclusion that it could be any one of us, in their same shoes, and that it is simply a momentary act of desperation, preceded by a lifetime of hurt and sorrow we don’t quite know how to handle—that’s how I see it anyway.

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This was beautiful, I am so glad you are here and I found your voice ❤️

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I can understand this completely. I can’t explain myself well enough. I’m mostly joyful, I go down a bit, but mostly when I’m not in the word. Thanks Savanna, I would never have guessed that about you. That’s the point you’ve made.

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I discovered Twitch and his wife on Tiktok a few years ago. I recall being struck by how happy they appeared - like REALLY happy. For some reason this is a vivid memory, perhaps because some part of me knew to not trust their blissful appearance. In any case, my heart goes out to his wife and kids. What a terrible loss.

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I lost my lover to suicide. The anniversary of his death is coming up. 4 years. We weren't connected in our social lives. We were each other's Mars. We left our regular lives and joined then went back to :real" life. It's complicated and hard to explain. The guilt and the anger are hard to deal with. You see, I was the one he reached out to. Not in a hey I'm about to hurt myself way but he wanted to see me...and ut was different, he sounded more desperate. But I didn't put 2 and 2 together until it was said and done. I live with that guilt every day. I understand his pain. I understand what he was going through...now... God, I wish I had known then. He was gone 2 weeks later. I take my love for him and the horrible lesson learned and make sure I listen better, express myself better and love better. I wish I had told him I loved him. At the very least. He was Beautiful. Kind. Swauve and debonair kind of guy. Loved by many. Miss him. Every day.

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The heaviness can be almost unbearable. Putting one foot in front of the other…wondering if you really need to get out of bed…the effort it takes to shower. But it does get better. So glad you are able to “catch” yourself 💜. Sometimes we are our own greatest advocate. 🥰

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Thank you for talking about this

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